Others, like American Conservative, Imaginative Conservative, First Things or Front Porch Republic, are thoughtful and intelligent political publications. Still others, like Orion, contain some of the best writing on ecology.
Grit is a farming and homesteading magazine, Mother Earth News focuses on sustainable living, and I read Dragon's Tales just for some of the most entertaining new scientific papers. Some of them simply focus on simple living, one of the best kinds of activism around.

I also like listening to other people who do the same, and one podcast in particular does that consistently - the "C-Realm," which I have listened to for seven years. The show's host, KMO, features authors I've often enjoyed -- Charles Mann, John Michael Greer, James Howard Kunstler, Derrick Jensen and Dmitri Orlov -- and introduced me to many more. An episode might feature a podcaster like Jordan Harbinger or Frank Aragonna, a blogger like Chad Mulligan of the HipCrime Vocab, an economist like Ilargi -- and all those examples are from the last six months. KMO demonstrates that one man with a microphone and a phone can create more thought-provoking shows than most radio networks.
Now, he's featuring an interview with me, over the article I wrote for the American Conservative about the riots in my old neighbourhood of Ferguson, Missouri. Check it out.
Photo: Ferguson protests, courtesy of Wikipedia.
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