Originally published in the Kildare Nationalist newspaper.
All food was wild once, and all the vegetables in rows at
the grocers were bred over centuries from what we now call weeds. In many
cases, they were bred to have more flesh, like the giant carrots over their
smaller root of the Queen Anne’s Lace, or for their orange colours over the
white originals.
Yet colour and tastes go in and out of fashion with each
generation; look at the white eggs that were fashionable a few decades ago, and
how completely they were all replaced by otherwise identical brown ones, simply
because brown eggs carried an image of being more “natural.” Since carrots have
been bred there have been white, orange, yellow and even purple varieties,
breeds suited for different tastes, climates, times of year or for fashion –to
match what consumers imagine to be nice-looking.
Most importantly, the
varieties we get at the store were selected for bland flavours, giant sizes and
their ability to sit in a box or on a shelf for weeks while being transported
across an ocean to your neighbourhood store. Fresh vegetables, typically, are
nothing of the kind.
The wild food still exists all around us, though, all over
our fields, and our hedgerows create a vertical salad bar filled with food for
the taking. Some of these are wilder versions of familiar vegetables, like wild
parsnip or sea beet, while others have no domesticated equivalent, like fat hen
or jack-by-the-hedge.
Hawthorn trees still have a few shoots in the shaded areas,
and the shoots – leaves just coming out -- make an excellent addition to salad.
Later this year their berries – haws – will cover the hedgerows, and a single
tree can yield thousands of berries. They make a colourful wine and jam, and
are easy pickings, and while they are not the most strongly-flavoured berry,
they can be mixed with other ingredients – try hawthorn-and-ginger jam, or
hawthorn-and-crab-apple wine.
Every spring we use the youngest leaves of the linden tree
as a salad (also called the lime – no relation to the fruit) and it gives us
two weeks of free and edible greens. Dandelions are still flowering now, and
their younger and less bitter leaves can be put into salad, while their flowers
can be battered and fried, or made into an excellent wine. Come autumn the
roots will be at their fullest; try pulling them out, dry-roasting them,
grinding them into powder, and using them to make coffee.
I’ve mentioned the amazing properties of nettles many times
– sautéed they make a great vegetable, added to soup they flavour the stock,
dried they make a great tea or can flavour beer, they can be made into wine,
and their fibres can be made into cloth.
Bistort’s long columns of lavender flower clusters appear
all over our bogs and wastelands, and people in centuries past often ate its
leaves on Easter. It makes a good dish sautéed with leeks. Fat Hen was
apparently much more widely eaten in ancient times than today, and its pale
green leaves are quite nutritious.
The garlic –flavoured leaves of Jack-by-the-hedge first
emerge in spring, but often a new crop appears this month, so this is a good
time to go looking for it. Its large, deeply green, heart-shaped leaves and
small white flowers make a great ingredient in salads, and can be sauteed like
spinach and used as a vegetable, doubling as both the vegetable and the
sprinkling of garlic in one.

Finally, the shamrock-like leaves of wild sorrel carpet
forest floors beginning in spring, and can still be seen this time of year. Its
lemony leaves make a perfect addition to salads, taking the place of some of
the vinegar in dressing. They can also be cooked, but be warned that they wilt
almost instantly, and in an herbal mix should be added lastly.
If you are not sure what these plants look like, of course you can look them up online or get a book on foraging -- I recommend Food for Free, although it is written mainly for the British Isles. Do remember not to remove plants from the roadside, where they could have been bathing in toxic fumes, or from anywhere you think might have been sprayed with pesticides. When you do find one of these plants, try not to strip them of all their edible parts – leave some leaves for them to continue to grow, seeds for them to continue, and so on.