That’s a sweeping
statement, I know, but let me explain.
By “Green movement,” I
don’t mean simply the Green Party – although she helped found that organisation
– or the environmental movement. The word “environmentalist” has been applied
to many things, from activist celebrities to the latest expensive eco-fad. The
movement I’m thinking of has rarely been noticed by mainstream media, or else
has been called many names: back-to-the-land-ism, bio-regionalism, deep ecology
and many other labels. The best word for it, though, in the purely dictionary sense, would be “conservative.”
I’m referring to a
diverse movement of people casting aside the stereotypes of left and right, who
mostly live on homesteads and revive traditional ways of life. Most are private
and stay under the radar of the internet for a reason, but I know many of them
on homesteads across the USA, the UK and Ireland. Rather than take their inspirations
from celebrity environmentalism, they embraced a radical traditionalism, following
figures like economist E. F. Schumacher,
theologians like Ivan Illich or Father Thomas Berry, and do-it-yourselfers like
John Seymour. Many were quite religious – sometimes conservative Catholics like
Schumacher, Illich or Berry, some Lutheran or Mennonite, some Quakers like
Gilman. And they began to appear just as the world was becoming aware, on a
mass scale, of issues like pollution, climate change and consumerism. There was
once a time, though, when Christians forming their own communities in the
country talked to, and were sometimes the same people as, the ecologists and libertarians doing the same.
"I saw it as an alternative to the identity politics that were already springing up and dividing people. Women, blacks, gay people, American Indians, now Asians ... Identity politics is made to order to divide and conquer. I saw the Green Movement as bridging all of those, and responding to the basic problems ..."
-- Rhoda Gilman
Unfortunately, all Greens
were branded as “far-left,” and the growing evangelical movement of the time “far-right”
– both simplistic and somewhat inaccurate labels. During a crucial window of
history, when we had a chance to really avert any serious climate change and
manage an orderly rearranging of civilisation rather than a catastrophic decline, Green
ideals failed to catch on among the larger and politically powerful Christian movements.
About 15 years
ago, I sat down with Gilman in her
apartment to talk about the early years of the Greens, and of what could have
Kaller: One of the reasons I wanted to do this is because, in the popular media
when the name Green comes up, everyone in mainstream political ideology talks
about them in very specific terms: ultra-leftists, split off from the Democrats,
made Gore lose.
Gilman: And environmentalists.
Kaller: Yes, and I’ve heard that even from some people who joined the Greens
recently, people who believed this stereotype and liked it. So I’d like to
publicise the actual beliefs of the Greens and where they came from.
Gilman: I can’t speak for Europe, I only know this country. In 1970 there was the
Club of Rome report from Donella Meadows, in 1973 the Catholic economist E.F.
Schumacher wrote Small is Beautiful,
in 1979 the scientist James Lovelock published Gaia, and people like Arne Naess and Murray Bookchin expanded on
their ideas. Bookchin was part of the very early Green movement here, in social
ecology, and was part of the left wing of the Green Movement when it was first
founded in this country.
My own feeling is that
ecology as we know it today is based on systems theory. Norbert Wiener wrote The Human Use of Human Beings in the 1950s,
and then Gregory Bateson applied some of those same ideas to nature.
Kaller: Could you tell me more about them?
Gilman: Weiner was an early computer man, and is fairly well-known; if you look
him up on the Internet you’ll get the whole story. Gregory Bateson was an
anthropologist, and for a while the husband of Margaret Mead. He was also very
interdisciplinary, applying systems theory to evolution. I have several of his
books here – Steps To an Ecology of Mind
and Mind and Nature are probably his
best-known. The intellectual currents of the time were leading towards the
Green movement, and Bateson was close to Schumacher …
The intellectual roots
of the Green Movement are right there. Donella Meadows died just recently, but
her work on the Club of Rome report in 1970 was the one that created the term
“limits to growth.” I see that as much more integral to the Green movement
than, say, the Sierra Club or Save the Whales.
organizations tackle a problem or group of problems. These seekers went to the
basic problems with our industrial society that are going to have to change
because the planet can’t support it. That is, to me, the essence of the Green
I joined the Green
Party – or the Green Movement, before it was a party, early on – because it was
the one umbrella group that faced the whole problem of the need for change,
rather than joining the Left. The socialists and communists still worked within
the framework of an industrial society. The Greens said, “We’ve got to question
the whole thing.”
Also, in this country,
politically, I saw it as an alternative to the identity politics that were already springing up and dividing people. Women, blacks, gay people, American Indians,
now Asians – at that time Asians weren’t in the picture yet. Identity politics
is made to order to divide and conquer. I saw the Green Movement as bridging
all of those, and responding to the basic problems facing our industrial
That’s why it’s
international. It’s facing the problems not of a country or even a system like
capitalism, it’s facing the problems of the entire planet.
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